
Creative writing is the heart of the ITA intervention program, and high school teachers who have our graduates in class frequently comment on how well they write. And that is because, as you know, our students write every single session that they spend with our tutors. They progress from phonological analysis of single words to composition of sentences, paragraphs and stories.


The Snowman

Check out the creativity of this story about a snowman searching for his family, written by a fifth grade ITA student from Haiti.

This overview of the ITA writing program begins with introduction of the i.t.a. sound-symbol system and includes creative writing in the very first i.t.a. intervention session. The progression from ITA-only writing to traditional orthography with Slash and Dash for unknown words is demonstrated in the powerpoint “ITA writing program” and these two videos.



From ITA Spelling by Sound to Traditional Orthography: The ITA Writing Program

This presentation from our 2014 annual conference reviews the progression of the ITA writing program.

Writing Stories Using ITA for Unknown Words

Spelling by Sound using ITA allows a young writer to use words that are in his receptive vocabulary but that he as yet does not know how to spell.

Using iITA to Teach Linquistics

A demonstration of how information about spelling patterns of English can be woven into sessions on using ITA to “crack the sound code” of polysyllabic words.

Writing in ITA with Older Students

Carol demonstrates how to help students track syllables and sounds and write in ITA in order to develop phonological awareness.

Transition from iITA to Traditional Orthography Spelling

Shelley and Cole demonstrate how ITA can be used to spell unknown words when writing compositions or taking notes.