Implementing ROAR: From Pre-test to Monitoring Progress
Without doubt, one of the most effective interventions for improvement in reading accuracy, fluency, AND comprehension is Repeated Oral Assisted Reading (ROAR). Grantees are very familiar with this strategy, which is often delivered by paraprofessionals, college students, or volunteers. But it is important that these tutors be supervised by reading specialists who understand the importance of adhering to the ROAR protocol. In the following videos, presenters at our i.t.a. Annual Conference demonstrate the ROAR protocol and discuss important principles for effective implementation of this strategy.
ROAR Protocol Review
Cindy offers advice from years of successful work with struggling readers,with help from Justin, a student in Saint Mary’s University ITA Literacy Clinic.
ROAR Pre-Test
Cindy and Justin demonstrate the cold read part of the ROAR protocol.
ROAR Practice Session
Cindy and Justin demonstrate the ROAR practice protocol, with comments from Cindy on how to individualize for student needs.
ROAR: The Importance of Tracking
Carol explains and demonstrates how tracking during ROAR practice is important for reading improvement.
ROAR: Monitoring Interventions
Determining when to move a student up or down a reading level and when to discontinue ROAR intervention.